Advice & Instructions

Advice & Instructions

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General Advice from Agencies

Recommendation #1

Make Sure Your Application is Complete

Incomplete applications are a leading cause of delays. Permit processing is most efficient when agencies have complete application packages, as this eliminates the need to repeatedly ask for more information.

  • Review each agency’s application requirements carefully.
  • Include all of the materials requested by each agency
    • Keep in mind that some agencies, like NYS DOS, need copies of certain materials submitted to other agencies.
  • Correctly identify ownership and include permissions to build for all related properties, including adjacent land and lands under water.

Learn More: Joint Application Checklist

Recommendation #2

Adequately Describe and Analyze Your Project

Include a detailed description of your project and its possible impact on the environment with your application. If your project exceeds regulation thresholds for compatibility, you will need to provide additional analysis and explain:

  • why you need to do your project in the proposed location and why it needs to be on the waterfront or near the wetland.
  • what will be the impact of your project on the New York City’s waterfront.
  • ways you can avoid, minimize, or repair the affected area.

Learn More: Tips on Preparing Forms and Documents

Recommendation #3

Properly Format All Plans and Drawings
  • Be sure to provide all of the key information on your plans.
  • Agencies may require different formats, specific items, and references points.
  • Familiarize yourself with each agency’s map, plan and drawing requirements for the Joint Application.

Learn More: Tips on Drawings and Plans

Recommendation #4

Include Quality Color Photographs
  • Submit current, color photographs that clearly capture your project site, location, and details. Black and white images are not acceptable.
  • Label photos with location, date, direction of view, and details of what the viewer is looking at.
  • A photo key map is required by both Army Corps and NYS DEC; it is also helpful to other agencies.

Learn More: Tips on Project Photography

Recommendation #5

Respond to Agency Feedback

If there are issues with your original project’s concept, agency personnel will offer you ideas on how to change it so that it has a greater chance of success. To move forward with your project, you may need to be open to changing your original concept.