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NYC Department of City Planning Waterfront Revitalization Program

The New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program (WRP) establishes the city’s policies for the development and use of the waterfront. Through the WRP, New York City Department of City Planning (NYC DCP) in conjunction with the New York City Planning Commission (in its capacity as the City Coastal Commission), promotes activities appropriate to various waterfront locations and coordinates the review of activities and decisions affecting New York City’s waterfront and coastal areas.

Contact Information

Permitting InquiriesPermitting Inquiries

E:  [email protected]
P:  (212) 720-3626

Key ResourcesKey Resources

New York City Department of City Planning:


Michael Marrella
Director of Waterfront and Open Space
New York City Department of City Planning
120 Broadway, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10271

About the Program

The purpose of the Waterfront Revitalization Program (WRP) is to make sure that waterfront projects are consistent with long-term coastal policies for waterfront planning, conservation, and development. A review by the NYC DCP contributes to, but does not replace, a review by the NYS DOS, if required.

The WRP has established a set of 10 policies for the development and use of the waterfront against which proposed projects that affect coastal areas. This includes projects requiring waterfront permits issued by the Army Corps of Engineers, as well as other federal agency activities or development projects that require federal financial assistance, state agency program projects, and local land use projects or city capital projects.

Where regulations apply

The geographic scope of the WRP is the New York City Coastal Zone. This area is mapped on the following website: New York City Zoning and Land Use (ZOLA) map (under “Waterfront.”)

The WRP has designated the following five special areas within which certain goals and priorities are encouraged over others to help shape how the waterfront is used:

  • Significant Maritime and Industrial Areas
  • Arthur Kill Ecologically Sensitive Maritime and Industrial Area
  • Recognized Ecological Complexes
  • Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats
  • Special Natural Waterfront Areas

Working with the NYC DCP

What to Know Before You Apply

If you have questions about the WRP consistency review process, contact the NYC DCP. A staff member can help you confirm the required application materials and identify special requirements for your project based on scope or location (for example, if your project is within a special designated area.)

Review the WRP Policies

Waterfront applicants are advised to read and become familiar with The New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program document. Applicants should keep in mind the different policies and sub-policies of the WRP as they prepare their application, and include in the project description sufficient details about the elements of the project that support these policies.

The ten policies concern:

  1. Residential and commercial redevelopment
  2. Maritime and industrial development
  3. Use of the waterways
  4. Ecological resources
  5. Water quality
  6. Flooding and erosion
  7. Hazardous materials
  8. Public access
  9. Scenic resources
  10. Historic and cultural resources

Application Requirements

Required Forms

Other Required Materials

  • Justification of project purpose
  • Analysis of consistency with WRP policies, including detailed narratives and supporting photos, plans, and drawings for any “Yes” answers on the NYC WRP Consistency Form
  • Copies of other permissions and materials included with the Joint Application (photographs, plans, drawings, etc.)

For a complete list of Joint Application requirements for all agencies and to get copies of the forms you’ll need see the:

Joint Application Checklist


There is no additional fee for a WRP consistency review.

What to Expect After You Apply

The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation of every application:

  • The compatibility of the project with the WRP’s policies.
  • Whether the project is located within a Special Designated Area.
  • Whether it is located within another significant area designated by other agencies, such as the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area or the State’s Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat Areas.
  • The project’s vulnerability to the effects of sea level rise, coastal flooding, and storm surge based on the latest New York City Panel on Climate Change projections.
Typical Timeframes

A WRP review will take place within the timeframes of other permits/processes.